DCLab is here, because making a great product is only half of the equation.



At DCLab we know the stress that comes with being a start-up with the challenge of scaling production. We also understand that making a great product is only half the equation. Delivering a product in a way that delights customers can be just as challenging as making it in the first place.

We come into the picture if you have found product market fit but don’t have the resources to scale your production, or need to step back from the manufacturing process to work on the business.



FLÎKR Fire was developed during a cold, dark Seattle winter.


The realities of apartment life drove the creation of this clever product. The obsession of its perfection has been the focus of the creator for the last 7 years.

FLÎKR Fire in Demand


After many (many) iterations, the original FLÎKR Fire started to hit its stride during the winter market season of 2019. The appeal of the product may not have been a surprise to the founder, but the sudden speed of adoption certainly was. Orders quickly began to stack up and FLÎKR’s founder realized they really needed some help to produce enough product. They recruited a few employees and started production in a facility in Cleveland TN. They continued to hone the production process, but still could not keep up with the steadily growing demand—not to mention the headaches of fulfillment and inventory management!


In the fall of 2020, FLÎKR Fire® started discussions with DCLab about a possible manufacturing partnership. DCLab knew that it was capable of figuring out the production process and scaling Flikr’s 30,000 units per year of capacity up to 200,000+ in no time. FLÎKR Fire® and Labs quickly hashed out what the partnership should look like and set to action.

FLÎKR Fire In Production


Within three months the team at DCLab had:

  • Vetted and perfected the manufacturing process

  • Dedicated a 7,000sqft manufacturing space to FLÎKR Fire®

  • Structured packing, storage, and distribution systems

  • Onboarded with FLÎKR Fire’s existing sales & fulfillment software

  • Began production to meet the GUARANTEED capacity of 200,000 units that year

See FLÎKR Fire In Action


Because of their partnership with DCLab, the FLÎKR team was able to step back from manufacturing and focus on building their brand and developing the next round of product. This allowed FLÎKR to take advantage of their momentum and in the time following their partnership with DCLab they:

  • Increased units sold by 600% year over year

  • Developed two new significant improvements to the product design & utility with new materials and components

  • Developed a new product—coming to market soon!

  • Expanded distribution to new countries and continents

The DCLab and FLÎKR Fire partnership is a true success story. DCLab is ready to recreate that success for you and your product. Please contact us, today.

We take pride in supporting creators and innovators. If you have found product market fit, but feel like demand will soon exceed your production capacity, please get in touch.


Contact DCLab to see how we can help you today.